
What We Do

Innovative and Rewarding Trainings and Capacity Development

Capacity Building

DPI is in the business of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources that organizations need. Our activities include training and mentorships, Leadership development and planning future collaboration of organizations.

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Training and Development

At DPI, Training through teaching and learning activities are carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization acquire and apply the knowledge. Our training gives everyone who participated a great understanding of their job.

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Sustainable Development

DPI also provides development courses, services and interventions that enhance economic development of a country without compromising with the quality of the environment for future generations. In the name of economic development, the price of environmental damage is...

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In our highly motivating, interactive and stimulating workshops, we bring group of individuals together with such training strategies as case studies, role plays, and simulations to supplement our teachings for.

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Our highly recommended and rewarding conferences gathers individuals with a shared interest, who get together to debate issues, learn from others experiences, and network with others who share their passions.

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We provide expert advice on a particular subject. Executed through a range of educational services, research and analysis of interventions to organizations, governments and individuals, we provide strategic...

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15 years experience

About Us

Background Information.

DPI was established as an international management development centre catering for lower, middle and senior managers including all employees alike. Over the years, we have provided services to well over 2500 delegates from across Africa, and managed human resources development projects for Southern African Development Community (SADC) and some ministries and organizations in Nigeria.

Respect and Compassion


Learning and wellbeing

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What Drives Us


Development and Productivity International (DPI) was incorporated with the vision of providing training of an international standard to all sectors of the world economy in general and the Africa continent in particular. The uniqueness of this training outfit is that it is powered by a team of highly educated and experienced professionals in various disciplines, assembled from across Africa, Europe and Asia.

Armed with their vast knowledge, experience and exposure, this team is very best equipped to impact knowledge in a most efficient manner to all participants. In addition, to the use the latest methodologies such as videos, audio and power-point presentations, training centers are decentralized to cater for the convenience and comfort of all participants. We make a difference in training of employees in raising organizational productivity with the provision of quality training for skills development and empowerment.

While at DPI, you will be exposed to a whole lot of experiences which is basically an interactive method of instruction. We hope you will get as much as you put into this program while we strive to make your time and the program as stimulating and rewarding as possible.

Core Values

Respect and Compassion

Based on principles of love, faith, and hope, be willing to understand difference and to honour its value Know and respect yourself, others and the natural environment.


Service is a key of the institute . Management spent time with participants in groups volunteering to help out in every way possible with solutions to their work problems.

Learning and wellbeing

Develop a lifelong pursuit of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Be healthy, confident and resilient.



Please fill in the form for your program and our team will contact you to make a spot reservation of training for you and/or your organization.

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