DPI- Raising organizational Productivity…
Course ID | Course Title | Category | Action |
C136 | Administration and financial management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C17 | Advanced Auditing Programme | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C137 | Advanced auditing programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C18 | Advanced Budgeting and Budgetary Control In the Public Sector | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C138 | Advanced budgeting and budgetary control programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C107 | Advanced Computer Programme for Secretaries | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C54 | Advanced Computer Skills Development | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C139 | Advanced computer skills development programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C55 | Advanced Database Management Programme SAP3 Applications | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C110 | Advanced Desktop Publishing | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C140 | Advanced financial management and budgetary control programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C141 | Advanced financial management and computer applications | Other | Enquire Now |
C33 | Advanced Financial Management for Donor Funded Projects | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C142 | Advanced financial management for the public sector | Other | Enquire Now |
C34 | Advanced Financial Management in the Public Sector | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C143 | Advanced financial management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C144 | Advanced human resource development course | Other | Enquire Now |
C145 | Advanced human resource management and performance management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C122 | Advanced Human Resources Development | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C146 | Advanced human resources management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C147 | Advanced internal and forensic auditing programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C57 | Advanced Management Information Systems | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C148 | Advanced management information systems programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C149 | Advanced management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C150 | Advanced planning and strategic management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C151 | Advanced policy analysis programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C51 | Advanced Procurement and Stores Management | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C152 | Advanced procurement stores and materials programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C45 | Advanced Project Finance and Management Programme (APF) | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C46 | Advanced Project Management (APM) | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C153 | Advanced project management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C154 | Advanced public administration and management | Other | Enquire Now |
C4 | Advanced Public Administration and Records Management Program | General | Enquire Now |
C155 | Advanced public relations and customer care programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C156 | Advanced public relations and protocol programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C157 | Advanced public sector financial management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C105 | Advanced Secretarial and Executive Assistants Programme | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C99 | Advanced Secretarial and Personal Assistants Programme | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C100 | Advanced skills for executive Secretaries | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C158 | Advanced skills for executive secretaries programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C159 | Advanced training of trainers programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C160 | Advanced transport and logistics management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C75 | Agriculture Extension Service Delivery and Management Techniques | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C78 | Agriculture Management and Rural Development | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C161 | Archival management automation | Other | Enquire Now |
C162 | Asset and property management programm | Other | Enquire Now |
C163 | Bank security for supervisors | Other | Enquire Now |
C164 | Basic training of trainers programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C165 | Basics of quality assurance management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C166 | Biomass energy technologies program | Other | Enquire Now |
C167 | Budget preparation and planning programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C168 | Budgetary process and public expenditure management | Other | Enquire Now |
C3 | Building a model Educational Institution (Prospects and Challenges | General | Enquire Now |
C169 | Building and implementing a balanced scorecard programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C170 | Change and human resources management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C117 | Climate Change and International Cooperation | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C70 | Communication, Research & Presentation Skills | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C171 | Communication, research and presentation skills programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C172 | Communication, research design, methodology and presentation skills | Other | Enquire Now |
C93 | Community Water Supply Management | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C173 | Computer and project management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C58 | Computer and Software Management Skills | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C20 | Computer Auditing and Internal Controls | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C59 | Computer Networking Administration | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C65 | Computer Registry Systems Programme | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C174 | Computerised accounting and financial management | Other | Enquire Now |
C175 | Computerised auditing and financial control | Other | Enquire Now |
C176 | Computerised financial management and accounting programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C123 | Computerized Human Resource Management | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C177 | Computerized human resource programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C134 | Computerized Payroll Administration and Processing | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C178 | Computerized project management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C35 | Computerized Project Management(CPM) | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C8 | Conducting Qualitative e-Examination | General | Enquire Now |
C71 | Conflict Management | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C179 | Conflict resolution and human resources management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C180 | Consultancy and advisory services management | Other | Enquire Now |
C181 | Corporate governance and organisational restructuring | Other | Enquire Now |
C11 | Corporate governance and Organization | General | Enquire Now |
C182 | Corporate governance and organization development | Other | Enquire Now |
C183 | Corporate governance programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C184 | Counselling skills program | Other | Enquire Now |
C185 | Credit management, monitoring and control for micro - projects | Other | Enquire Now |
C106 | Data and records management Programme | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C56 | Database Management Programme | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C186 | Debt (external and domestic) and control management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C112 | Defence Policy and Strategic Planning | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C21 | Detecting & Controlling Money Laundering | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C76 | Developing and Implementing Environmental Management System (EMS) | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C187 | Developing downstream metals sector | Other | Enquire Now |
C124 | Developing Internal Training System | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C188 | Developing internal training systems programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C189 | Development and planning programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C190 | Development policy, planning and management course | Other | Enquire Now |
C191 | Development studies and policy management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C192 | Diploma in management extension services programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C193 | Diploma in project planning and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C72 | Disaster Preparedness and Management | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C194 | Disaster preparedness and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C73 | Drought and Food Security Management | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C195 | Drug use in communities programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C196 | Econometric forecasting and planning programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C197 | Economic development and planning programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C13 | Economic Policy Analysis and Development Research | Public Finance, Economic Management | Enquire Now |
C198 | Economic policy research methods and analysis | Other | Enquire Now |
C199 | Economic reconstruction and poverty reduction programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C200 | Economics of new and renewable sources of energy | Other | Enquire Now |
C83 | Ecosystem and Biodiversity Management | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C201 | Ecosystems and biodiversity management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C202 | Effective human, capital & resource management & leadership in steel & metallurgical industry | Other | Enquire Now |
C203 | Effluent discharge, impact, control & monitoring in steel & metallurgical industry | Other | Enquire Now |
C108 | Electronic Data and records management | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C204 | Electronic data and records management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C205 | Electronic registry and archival management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C207 | Energy conservation and environmental management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C206 | Energy economics programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C208 | Energy efficiency programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C209 | Energy for development program | Other | Enquire Now |
C210 | Energy management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C211 | Energy technology assessment programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C212 | Enhancing local government service delivery Environmental & safety best practices in steel & metallurgical plants | Other | Enquire Now |
C2 | Ensuring Accountability and Transparency in Organizations | General | Enquire Now |
C213 | Environmental administration program | Other | Enquire Now |
C214 | Environmental and natural resources management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C215 | Environmental audit and impact assessment programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C84 | Environmental Auditing and Impact Assessment | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C216 | Environmental standards, regulations & controls in steel & metallurgical industry | Other | Enquire Now |
C217 | Executive secretarial and personal assistants programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C218 | Executive secretarial skills development workshop | Other | Enquire Now |
C219 | Executive secretaries and administrators programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C220 | Extension service delivery and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C221 | Family planning programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C23 | Finance and Budgets for Non Finance Managers | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C222 | Finance for project and public officers | Other | Enquire Now |
C37 | Financial and Project Management | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C225 | Financial and project management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C223 | Financial management and budgetary control programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C224 | Financial management and disbursements programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C226 | Financial management for development projects (p36-fmp) | Other | Enquire Now |
C227 | Financial management for project officers | Other | Enquire Now |
C25 | Financial Management in Public Sector (Advanced ) | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C228 | Financial management in public sector programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C26 | Financial Management Programme (Advanced | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C229 | Financial modeling & forecasting programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C27 | Financial Modelling and Forecasting | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C115 | Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Relations | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C230 | Forest management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C32 | Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C231 | Fuel management and policy programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C232 | Fundamentals of the fuel industry | Other | Enquire Now |
C233 | Fundraising and lobbying for development projects programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C234 | Fundraising and money management techniques programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C69 | Fundraising for Development Projects | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C235 | Gender and management development programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C77 | Gender Development and Empowerment | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C236 | Gender equity and community development | Other | Enquire Now |
C237 | Gender issues in development and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C238 | Gender issues in management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C239 | Gender role in combating HIV/AIDS in the workplace and behaviour change | Other | Enquire Now |
C240 | Gender, youth and rural development projects programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C241 | Geographic information systems programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C242 | GIS for conservation and natural resource management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C113 | Globalisation and International Relations | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C52 | Goods and Equipment Procurement | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C243 | Goods and equipment procurement programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C125 | Grievance Handling and HR Management | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C244 | Grievance handling and human resources management | Other | Enquire Now |
C245 | Grievances and misconduct handling management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C5 | Guidelines for Assessing and Accounting for TETFUND Intervention Funds | General | Enquire Now |
C88 | Health Economics and Financing | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C246 | Health, safety & environment best practices in steel & metallurgical plants | Other | Enquire Now |
C90 | Health, Safety, Security and the Environment (HSSE) in Ports Operations | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C89 | Healthcare Financial Accounting Systems | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C247 | Healthy research methodology programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C96 | HIV/AIDS Combating and Support Systems | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C97 | HIV/AIDS Counselling & Youth Sexuality | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C248 | HIV/AIDS counselling and youth sexuality programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C87 | HIV/AIDS Management Systems | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C249 | Human resource development and training course | Other | Enquire Now |
C127 | Human Resource Management and Recruitment | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C91 | Human Resources for Health | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C129 | Human Resources management and Performance Appraisal | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C250 | Human resources management and performance appraisal programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C251 | Hygiene education and communication programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C64 | ICT Policy Management Programme | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C252 | Information systems design, implementation and management | Other | Enquire Now |
C253 | Information systems development and implementation programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C60 | Information Technology and Management | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C254 | Information technology and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C255 | Institutional administration and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C256 | Internal and operational auditing | Other | Enquire Now |
C28 | Internal Auditing and Accountability | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C257 | Internal auditing and accountability programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C29 | Internal Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C63 | Internal Security Administration | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C118 | International Law and Human Rights | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C258 | International procurement for donor funded projects | Other | Enquire Now |
C116 | International Trade Protocols and Conventions | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C62 | Introduction to IT Auditing | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C259 | Investment analysis and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C260 | Investment promotion programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C67 | IT Security Architecture Design Programme | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C132 | Labor Relations and Conflict management | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C261 | Labour relations and conflict management | Other | Enquire Now |
C12 | Leadership and Team Development for Managerial Success | General | Enquire Now |
C349 | Leading and Managing change in a Turbulent Environment | Other | Enquire Now |
C109 | Libraries and documentation Management | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C262 | Liquid fuel strategic management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C16 | Macro economic Policy Analysis and Forecasting | Public Finance, Economic Management | Enquire Now |
C263 | Macroeconomic analysis programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C264 | Macroeconomic policy analysis and research skills programmea | Other | Enquire Now |
C14 | Management and Analysis of PPPs | Public Finance, Economic Management | Enquire Now |
C265 | Management and control of donor funded projects | Other | Enquire Now |
C266 | Management development programme for executive secretaries and administrative assistants | Other | Enquire Now |
C102 | Management Development Programme for Secretaries and Administrators | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C267 | Management information systems (MIS) for managers | Other | Enquire Now |
C268 | Management of domestic debt programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C269 | Management of extension services programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C98 | Management of HIV/AIDS in the workplace | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C133 | Management of the Training Function | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C85 | Management of Urban Housing | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C270 | Management programme for supervisors | Other | Enquire Now |
C271 | Managerial leadership skills development | Other | Enquire Now |
C272 | Managing agricultural and rural development projects | Other | Enquire Now |
C273 | Managing donor funded projects | Other | Enquire Now |
C274 | Managing libraries and documentation centres | Other | Enquire Now |
C275 | Managing the audit function and audit teams programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C276 | Managing the internal audit activity programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C277 | Managing the training function programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C278 | Metals and allied products testing standards: techniques and procedures program | Other | Enquire Now |
C279 | Micro credit development and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C280 | Mines land reclamation program | Other | Enquire Now |
C281 | Mining and metal development program | Other | Enquire Now |
C283 | Monitoring and evaluation of development and community projects | Other | Enquire Now |
C39 | Monitoring and Evaluation of Development and Community Projects(MEPE) | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C282 | Monitoring and evaluation of projects | Other | Enquire Now |
C120 | Multilateral and Bilateral Diplomacy | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C284 | Natural resources management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C285 | NGO leadership and management | Other | Enquire Now |
C286 | Occupational health and safety (OH&S) programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C287 | Operational safety & environmental regulations for steel & metallurgical industry | Other | Enquire Now |
C288 | Operations management of water supply projects | Other | Enquire Now |
C289 | Organisation restructuring and change management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C290 | Participatory methods to development on project management | Other | Enquire Now |
C19 | Pension Fund and Investment Management | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C291 | Pension funds administration and management | Other | Enquire Now |
C135 | People Management Skills in a technical environment | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C15 | Performance Management in the Public Sector | Public Finance, Economic Management | Enquire Now |
C104 | Planning and Management of Events | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C292 | Planning process, budget preparation and control | Other | Enquire Now |
C293 | Policy and management development programme personnel and human resource management | Other | Enquire Now |
C294 | Policy development in education information and communication technology (ICT) management | Other | Enquire Now |
C111 | Political Conflicts and Negotiated Settlements | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C48 | Port Labour and People Management | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C36 | Port Master Plans and Port Engineering Program | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C47 | Port Planning Fundamentals | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C40 | Port Projects Management; Principle and Techniques | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C114 | Pre and Post Conflict Counselling for Peacekeepers | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C295 | Primary health care programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C296 | Procurement and materials management in the energy industry | Other | Enquire Now |
C53 | Procurement for Donor Funded Projects | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C297 | Professional development programme for secretaries | Other | Enquire Now |
C103 | Professional Executive Secretaries and Administrators Programme | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C299 | Professional executive secretary and administration programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C298 | Programme description | Other | Enquire Now |
C300 | Programme on socio-economic reforms and privatisation | Other | Enquire Now |
C302 | Project analysis and management | Other | Enquire Now |
C43 | Project Appraisal and Development Planning (PADP | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C301 | Project appraisal and development planning programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C50 | Project Earned Value Management (EVM) Systems and Processes | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C303 | Project finance and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C304 | Project management and evaluation programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C305 | Project planning, monitoring and evaluation programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C41 | Project Risk Management | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C49 | Projects Finance and Disbursement Donor funded Projects | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C38 | Projects Monitoring & Evaluation (PME) | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C22 | Properties and Real Estate Management | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C306 | Public administration and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C74 | Public Administration Programme | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C307 | Public budgeting and policy analysis programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C308 | Public financial and debt management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C309 | Public relations and conflict management | Other | Enquire Now |
C24 | Public Sector Financial Management and Budgeting Control | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C310 | Public sector financial planning and modelling | Other | Enquire Now |
C311 | Public sector investment programme (PSIP) | Other | Enquire Now |
C7 | Public Sector Operations Management, Monitoring and Evaluation | General | Enquire Now |
C42 | Public, Private Partnership (PPP) in Port Operations and Development | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C312 | Purchasing and supply chain management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C313 | Quality health care and sustainable development | Other | Enquire Now |
C101 | Reception and Front desk Management | Secretarial & Administrative | Enquire Now |
C121 | Regional Cooperation and Integration | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C314 | Regulations, policy formulation & operational monitoring in steel & metallurgical industry | Other | Enquire Now |
C82 | Regulatory Frameworks for Environmental Management and Planning | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C80 | Renewable Energy and sustainable resource management | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C315 | Research methods & feasibility studies for projects | Other | Enquire Now |
C316 | Research methods and policy analysis | Other | Enquire Now |
C317 | Research methods and presentation skills programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C79 | Research Methods for Agriculture & Rural Project | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C318 | Research survey design and policy analysis | Other | Enquire Now |
C94 | Research, Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programmes | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C95 | Research,Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programmes | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C350 | Review of the New World bank Procurement Framework and PPSD | Other | Enquire Now |
C6 | Role of Employees in developing Quality Education | General | Enquire Now |
C319 | Rural credit management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C320 | Rural development and extension management | Other | Enquire Now |
C321 | Rural development systems and management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C322 | Rural energy development | Other | Enquire Now |
C323 | Rural energy planning and management | Other | Enquire Now |
C324 | Rural livelihood, poverty reduction and sustainable development programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C325 | Secretarial and office administration programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C326 | Senior management development programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C126 | Skills Auditing and Training Needs Analysis | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C92 | Solid Waste Management and Environmental Management | Health Management | Enquire Now |
C327 | Standards (national & international) | Other | Enquire Now |
C30 | Strategic Financial Management | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C128 | Strategic Human Resource Management Programme | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C328 | Strategic human resources management programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C329 | Strategic leadership skills for managers | Other | Enquire Now |
C331 | Strategic planning and change management | Other | Enquire Now |
C332 | Strategic planning and management for executive secretaries programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C9 | Strategic Women Leadership Development | General | Enquire Now |
C333 | Strategic women leadership development programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C334 | Strategy and balanced scorecard development programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C330 | Strategy Planning and Policy Development | Other | Enquire Now |
C335 | Strengthening capacity for the monitoring and evaluation of interventions | Other | Enquire Now |
C1 | Strengthening the Space of Higher Education System (The Africa Perspective) | General | Enquire Now |
C130 | Succession Planning and Strategic Human Resource Management | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C31 | Supervision of Bank & Financial Institutions | Financial Management | Enquire Now |
C10 | Supervisory and Operations Management | General | Enquire Now |
C336 | Sustainable agriculture and natural resource | Other | Enquire Now |
C337 | Sustainable corporate strategic planning, management & development in steel & metallurgical industry | Other | Enquire Now |
C338 | Systems analysis and advanced computer security programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C61 | Systems Analysis and Control Programme | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C339 | Systems analysis design and it project management program. | Other | Enquire Now |
C340 | Technical surveillance operations, administration and management | Other | Enquire Now |
C341 | Technology, customer, workplace counselling | Other | Enquire Now |
C119 | Theory and Practice of Diplomacy | International Relations | Enquire Now |
C342 | Trade and investment promotion programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C343 | Trade policy development and macroeconomic analysis | Other | Enquire Now |
C344 | Trade policy development and macroeconomic programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C345 | Transport and logistics management | Other | Enquire Now |
C86 | Urban Energy and Water supply Management | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |
C44 | Value for Money Audits for Development Projects (VMDP) | Project Management | Enquire Now |
C68 | VOIP Security Course | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C346 | Water resources and sanitation management | Other | Enquire Now |
C66 | Wireless Network Security and Administration | Computer & Information Technology | Enquire Now |
C131 | Workplace counselling and employee welfare management | Human Resources Management | Enquire Now |
C347 | Workshop on management of renewable natural energy | Other | Enquire Now |
C348 | World bank procurement of consulting and professional services programme | Other | Enquire Now |
C81 | Youth Empowerment & Development | Development Studies & Environmental | Enquire Now |